Steele Criminal Blog

Attorney Alan Steele

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Restarting the Blog

This blog began back before I left private practice to join the Dallas County Public Defender's Office, a great experience that I do not regret.  Since leaving that office to be my own boss and deal with my clients in a way that I feel better adheres to my beliefs in the system, I have been back and forth with the blog, and it has gone largely ignored.  The Steele Firm is the new office, with locations in both Dallas and Fort Worth.  The firm model is slightly different, with fees being based on income to the extent possible-- a sliding scale.  The work, however, is mainly the same.  

I have posted some things on Facebook for The Steele Firm page, and some things on the makeshift website for the office, but haven't given much attention to concepts that interest both lawyers and the public on this blog.  Hopefully that is changing.

Since this blog began, my experiences have changed, as (I hope) have I.  This blog is to be about multiple concepts.   Forensics, for which I still have a soft spot coming from a fingerprint office in FWPD and being married to a fingerprint expert, not to mention conducting various mock trials and training for DPD Crime Scene, is likely to make an appearance.  Having graduate experience in criminal justice, that will also likely pop.  The idea is to address concepts clients and others should know, to discuss, and to vent.  

Welcome back.

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